Thursday, March 01, 2007

Magic Formula for Conditional Formatting of Rows

Good information about formatting excel stuff can be found at the Contextures website.

Multiple Rows

=MOD(ROW()-3,5*2)+1<=5 Shade Alternating Rows

You can use conditional formatting to shade alternating rows on the worksheet.

  1. Click the Select All button, above the Row 1 button, to select all the cells on the worksheet.
  2. Choose Format|Conditional Formatting
  3. From the first dropdown, choose Formula Is
  4. For the formula, enter =MOD(ROW(),2)
  5. Click the Format button.
  6. On the Patterns tab, select a colour for shading
  7. Click OK, click OK

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

bodmas blog » Blog Archive » Textwrangler: remove blank lines :: Keith Peter Burnett’s blog about Maths teaching and ILT

bodmas blog » Blog Archive » Textwrangler: remove blank lines :: Keith Peter Burnett’s blog about Maths teaching and ILT: "

Textwrangler: remove blank lines

To remove blank lines from a text file in Textwrangler, you have to run search and replace, tick the ‘use Grep’ option and then search on the pattern ^\r. Replace with nowt and the effect is magic. A boon to the ‘everything in one big text file’ advocates. The pattern < /?[^>]> can be used to [...]

To remove blank lines from a text file in Textwrangler, you have to run search and replace, tick the ‘use Grep’ option and then search on the pattern ^\r. Replace with nowt and the effect is magic. A boon to the ‘everything in one big text file’ advocates.

The pattern < /?[^>]> can be used to remove all the HTML tags from a file (see below). I’d advise replacing the tags with a single space. The pattern should not have a space after the first angle bracket – WordPress and Textile are just playing up with the formatting.

--, 19 March 2006"

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Zen Road

Zen Road: "Going forward is a matter of everyday living.
Progress — going forward — has nothing to do with being smart. It’s an everyday thing. In this passage of the text, “everyday living” means the immediate, fundamental nature of each day…the fundamental truth of our daily lives. Eating, sleeping, talking, going to the toilet, doing gassho (bowing) before and after moving in the dojo: this is the stuff of awakening, of great freedom. No need to be smart.

Our practice of shikantaza (just sitting) has nothing to do with intelligence or its lack, because it has no goal. So there’s no need to learn some special technique. There’s no particular skill, aptitude, talent, competence, or qualification required. There isn’t any hierarchy to advance in. All you need is a zafu (cushion) and some courage. Why courage? Because it’s not easy to come regularly to zazen, especially when you have problems. You have to find the courage to come and sit even when nothing and nobody encourages you to do so.
[Person entering the front door of a dojo with a black zafu (round cushion) in hand.]

Master Deshimaru used to encourage us by saying that if we practiced zazen we would become great leaders. I can’t say that. I would just say that it’s a question of correct effort, the effort to go towards the truth by destroying everything produced in you"

Thursday, January 25, 2007


A mystical experience is not any more unique than a modern experiment in physics. On the other hand, it is not less sophisticated, either. . . . The complexity and efficiency of the physicist’s technical apparatus is matched, if not surpassed, by that of the mystic’s consciousness. . . . A page from a journal of modern experimental physics will be as mysterious to the uninitiated as a Tibetan mandala. Both are records of inquiries into the nature of the universe.


Source: Lifted from Page-A-Day Calendar Email

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Images come and images go... move the stuff out. The new year rolls on and becomes just that another year. Conscience and an effort to pay attention to things come to the surface. Burbling below the surface the bubbles rise to the top popping gently at the edge of the pool of the water.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Good Words for a Good Year

I've been giving a great deal of thought to the new year. Cliche but true it's that stupid time of year, resolutions being made and broken. Alas you still try to steer yourself in the right direction avoiding the marketing gimmicks but enjoying the things that some of those marketing types present you. So I share this image from a really cool website,