Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Kissing Apples/Prunes

Kissing... apples or prunes?

Goes back a long time ago... high school girlfriend. She asked do you kiss apples or prunes. The naive one didn't know what she was talking about. Quite simply really now looking back on it... say the words... feel your mouth... it's a silly experiment but fun none the less...

Forgot how much fun it is to think about simple things... kissing... eating... drinking. Acts that make you feel something primitive and pure.

Friday, August 09, 2002

Luke the Cat

parts of an aim conversation... maybe i'll do something with it one day...

once upon a time... there was a cat

a tabby from Brazil

named Luke

the cat would sleep all day

prowl around at night looking for hot chickee type cats to play with

the siamese type the best especially twins

he dug the blue eyes you see

somthing about the moonlight reflected in them... drove him mad

one night

a little siamese number by the name of Jezebel taught him a trick

a simple trick

but a trick none the less

i forget how the rest of the story goes... time for tea

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Little List

Borrowed from one of those journal prompt things...

Things important in life:

Company of friends


Good books

An endless supply of tunes

Capacity to enjoy movies

Interest in the arts

Effort to expand one's mind

Possible enlightment


Life itself

Smells of things remembered

Still be surprised by stuff

Ability to laugh and make others laugh



A good cocktail



Typing in this small list I forget how silly prompts are. I really don't want to list things. I want to dream about things while music plays in the background. Watch a hundred bad girls dance around in my head... it is a dream after all. Life is about family, drinking and food... simple things uncomplicated by time...

Perhaps some tea...

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Tea and Sleep

New tea thing is working great... put it under the hot water... a little pouring action and in a couple of minutes... voila tea.

So simple, so effortless it almost hurts. Note the word almost. Quite different than say jabbing a pair of scissors through your eye but hey. Nothing is painless. The dentist looks at you and says does that hurt, and you say no through a mouth of gauze and who knows what but then the drill kicks in and what's that... pain. No, it can't be you are numb but still...

Just goes to show you, can't escape it. Left to fate we may perish yet. Still in all my brain continues to rot and I dream of tea and sleep.

Strange how your tastes change over the year. Slipping in and out of likes and dislikes... Somethings remaining constant in the end. Why is that?

Screw the self-inflicting pain addicts... banish those that numb themselves in servitude to something they can't understand... don't tell me to turn straight edge... vegan... pagan... christian or any other psycho babble brew ha ha you can come up with.

I need some sleep... that would be nice... sleep... sweet slumber... I dream of you...

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Cards at the Bar

Weathered the storm... literally. Lightning, thunder the sound of things falling... pretty exciting stuff but not that exciting when you just want some sleep. Cats were running around the house I'm almost certain either that or hiding... that's what they are good at it you know...

Little animals like little people... misbehaving and never doing what they are supposed to so they look cute and get away with murder. Kind of like bad music groups... tee hee...

Cards at the bar last night... I'll never get good at Bridge but hey beer and cards will make any one's day. Games are a good thing... makes your head work and you get in some good times with people.

Have to do game night again this fall... Looking forward to classes it should be kinda cool pursuing some new thing... who knows a new and bright future. Sounds like bakealite or fiesta ware...

New, shiny colors... winking and waving at you... smiling... drawing you in. So alluring, sexy and voluptous... the feel of porcelain against your skin... so cool and yet...

Back to work, slacker...

Friday, August 02, 2002


Software.... what a pain in the ass... it's not software it's hardware... it's not hardware it's software... Oh well... it's more fun to play with wetware and no it's not a water sports kind of day.

Sex and computers... tiny little sex bots running around in my brain. What a concept, think about it... the paranoia of the whole thing. Androids, bots, cyber whatever... it just makes you want to throw in the towel and fall off the grid forever...

Become some monk of some sort and climb a mountain... hang out in trees... eat granola, smoke weed and laugh at really bad television.

I just need to escape for a minute... vent the brain... spew words onto something and smile to myself...

Whew a little ranting and raving... man what a week, what a life... things are a lot like origami. Folded symetry and line. Variations on a theme and a base its what it's all about. Kind of like baking if you think about it.

Thursday, August 01, 2002

August 1 Blip

Ok... so we made it to August... we being Me Myself and I plus other subtle personalities and such running through my head. Trolley Bus Tour is playing through the speakers and all around life becomes more unstable as we brace ourselves for the upcoming school year.

It's just one of those things. Life runs around in circles like seasons... so does working at a university... up and down like the yo yo man in that Echol and The Bunnymen song. Funny how the summer drags on and on.... exciting and fun... hot and dragging finally when things are ready to explode the Fall settles in and things change again...

Ah yes the seasons... full of promise and hope and new color. People begin to clothe themselves again and once again jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts appear. Life looks good again... time for picnics and lazy afternoons of kite flying...

Why are life's little pleasures so simple... catching a brief nap... decent cartoons... cold beer... a nice cup of tea.

Time for noodles... i'll return soon... full of hope and desperation...