New tea thing is working great... put it under the hot water... a little pouring action and in a couple of minutes... voila tea.
So simple, so effortless it almost hurts. Note the word almost. Quite different than say jabbing a pair of scissors through your eye but hey. Nothing is painless. The dentist looks at you and says does that hurt, and you say no through a mouth of gauze and who knows what but then the drill kicks in and what's that... pain. No, it can't be you are numb but still...
Just goes to show you, can't escape it. Left to fate we may perish yet. Still in all my brain continues to rot and I dream of tea and sleep.
Strange how your tastes change over the year. Slipping in and out of likes and dislikes... Somethings remaining constant in the end. Why is that?
Screw the self-inflicting pain addicts... banish those that numb themselves in servitude to something they can't understand... don't tell me to turn straight edge... vegan... pagan... christian or any other psycho babble brew ha ha you can come up with.
I need some sleep... that would be nice... sleep... sweet slumber... I dream of you...