Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Cards at the Bar

Weathered the storm... literally. Lightning, thunder the sound of things falling... pretty exciting stuff but not that exciting when you just want some sleep. Cats were running around the house I'm almost certain either that or hiding... that's what they are good at it you know...

Little animals like little people... misbehaving and never doing what they are supposed to so they look cute and get away with murder. Kind of like bad music groups... tee hee...

Cards at the bar last night... I'll never get good at Bridge but hey beer and cards will make any one's day. Games are a good thing... makes your head work and you get in some good times with people.

Have to do game night again this fall... Looking forward to classes it should be kinda cool pursuing some new thing... who knows a new and bright future. Sounds like bakealite or fiesta ware...

New, shiny colors... winking and waving at you... smiling... drawing you in. So alluring, sexy and voluptous... the feel of porcelain against your skin... so cool and yet...

Back to work, slacker...

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