Tuesday, November 02, 2004

November 2

November 2

Vote. Four letters that mean so much to some folks but little to others. You have the privledge and honor to do something so simple. Ensure your freedom and the freedom of others. It's the little things that make all the difference. This I truly believe. The little things that later on life you realize aren't that little. There are times when it's easier to just "suck it up" than blast someone to little pieces. This isn't a rant about who is better or if hate is a family value or any of that bumper sticker, look at me look at me brouhaha bs it's simply this. Time is a concept that's all, but in this lifetime with it's standard of time enforcing itself on you, you can work your magic for better - worse - or nothing. Sorry about the punctuation going to hell here but hey . Anyway, smile at someone... greet folks with a gentle good morning. Don't ask how they are just say hey. Who knows but tommorow will come and perhaps I'll be a better person but hopefully I'll just be working on it like everyone else. Get out there and vote. Peace and beauty with you.

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