Been awhile but hey life gets busy and distracting. After a brief trip to Chicago and this and that it's about time to let summer begin. Got those pesky tomato plants planted and the herbs are doing well, let me tell you. The mint is growing like nobody's business which is always good when in the mood for a Mint Julep. Always distracting, the mint julep. My brother came into town and I uploaded so pictures to his site... Other than that life is tasty, not in the zombie sense but just in the live it sense. | |
Posted 5/21/2004 at 11:24 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
MSNBC - Eyeball jewelry a new Dutch fashion trend Try so hard to be unique and where is it going to get you... blind as a bat. Can't wait for that operation to go bad. Just goes to show you, oh well what do I know I always though a superb sense of humor and a love of some really good movies made a person. Now it's thin slivers of something embedded in your eye's mucous membrane. Nope, not for me. | |
Posted 4/12/2004 at 12:41 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
WakeUpWriting Arriving at the bus-stop as the bus had the breakup, and the death of her boss. Strange how these things | |
Posted 3/29/2004 at 12:31 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Is there really an answer to all this madness. Everyone once in a great while wouldn't it be great to peer into someone's thoughts or let the vice versa occur. Perhaps it's just that people don't make all that much sense and part of it is simply that being a little too much on the shy sheepish side. After all these years I've come to admit that conflict is a thing best avoided. Truly, honestly where does it get you, stress, fatigue, depression. Win/Lose who cares, tomorrow is another day and I really want to see the sun the again if you knows what I mean. Dream a dream and where do it get you? Dream though and anything can happen. Next week isn't that far away, the weekend calls and I shall answer. Let things go and so I shall. The world still remains a beautiful place, make your wishes and be happy when you wake up because tomorrow really is another day. | |
Posted 3/26/2004 at 5:08 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
The Rock & Rule Home Page Why stupid things stick in your head while really important, money making chunks of data do not is beyond anyone's grasp. Yesterday an early morning discussion somehow brought up the line, My name is Mok and a quick search on IMDB to reveal Lou Reed in the above movie. Stranger is still is the fact they are releasing that movie on dvd this summer, oh sweet digital bliss. Digital bliss sounds oddly pornographic but hey animation can be a beautiful, colorful, out of body experience. Ok maybe after a lot of beer and sugar based substances and no not sugarcubes Back to the movies though... Midnight Eye review: Battlefield Baseball (2003, Yudai YAMIGUCHI) An $80 box is a little rich for my blood but alas hopefully time will bring about a domestic release, look at versus. Uh oh, more zombies, they keep crawling back into my life. Oh well, time is never on your side and there is always something you really should be doing but for now the tea is good and noone is peeking in saying... Dave... Dave... Dave? | |
Posted 3/23/2004 at 8:59 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
After lunch, minutes to kill before a meeting. Quizilla time... You are Form 4, Gargoyle: The Fallen."And The Gargoyle mended his wings from the blood of the fallen so he could rise up from imprisonment. With great speed and resourcefulness, Gargoyle made the world his for the taking."Some examples of the Gargoyle Form are Daedalus (Greek) and Mary Magdalene (Christian).The Gargoyle is associated with the concept of success, the number 4, and the element of wood.His sign is the new moon.As a member of Form 4, you are a creative and resourceful individual. You are always thinking of possible solutions to problems you face and you generally choose one that is right. Much of your success comes from your ability to look at things a little differently than everyone else. Gargoyles are the best friends to have because they don't always take things for face value. Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla | |
Posted 3/22/2004 at 1:49 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
oneword.: revival Revival like a church revival or is it one of those words like my body went through a revival after coffee. Coffee acts like a good time revival session with leg kicking and swinging and what not it just makes you feel good now don't it... March 22, 2004 10:28 AM I don't really know why I'm digging the one minute one word site lately just am. One of those, golly let's get creative but who the heck is going to drop by next at any given moment kind of things. Actually it's been short attention span theatre time lately and it gives me just what i need. Not that that happens all that often but perhaps another story devserves it's due some day. Some day as in perhaps later which can mean a couple of minutes, or perhaps hours. Extend it out even longer and later becomes days and weeks. Looking back on the weekend, kites, manhattans and concert performances. Oh yes that Dawn of the Dead movie rolled into town Friday night. What is about zombies. Mr. Zombie, Night of.... whatever just don't ever let me become one real or mental. Understand? | |
Posted 3/22/2004 at 12:34 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment | today's word: lavender Lavender so sweet sexy and purply... I think of the flowers and dream of you, your scent that perfume that runs like dreams down my fingers, making me want to dance, tumble and fumble with the workings of my insane life... what do i smell? | |
Posted 3/18/2004 at 2:53 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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The Japan Times Online Toyota Motor Corp. unveiled four humanoid robot prototypes Thursday, some of which can walk and play the trumpet. Robots, what an odd obsession but still. There used to be a song about robots, robots a thousand tweaks and... anyway the idea of robots still boggles my mind. A fellow workmate and myself were just joking about Tobor, and other odd cartoons just the other week. It's pretty fascinating how you can look at something and see all sorts of different aspects of it. How the machines can make life easier or will they simply take over our lives. Personally a bunch of drink delivering, sexbot types would suit my fancies just fine but again that's just me. Robots and Russ Meyer, a little R & R, man where is my brain this morning. Seriously though work has been going on for a solid hour and a half, the caffeine is doing it's job and boredom is peeking in the door and waving hello. Fridays at work, whole movies dedicated to it. People talk about what their doing over their weekend. If these life stealing robots really existed we wouldn't be at work now would we? | |
Posted 3/12/2004 at 9:42 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Borrowed the test below from, Mr. Donut Don't know why these silly tests are fun but hey it beats work and the sound of little keys click click clicking is always a good thing. | |
Posted 3/11/2004 at 11:49 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Posted 3/11/2004 at 11:46 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Konichi-wa! Next time you have a convesation, try this. Don't give any thought to what you'll say next. Listen carefully and let your partner finish his entire sentence before you reply. Then reply without planning what you're going to say in any way. Don't be stupid about it. Don't say anything hurtful or mean. But just speak in a natural way. You'll be astounded at how much deeper your conversations can be. I found this book called Hardcore Zen at the bookstore the other night. The author's website has some pretty interesting stuff on it. One of the highlights being the fact that he played in the band Dementia 13. Perhaps I should drop him a note. There are so many perhaps in one's day to day meandering don't you think? I should do this or that, maybe I'll go here or there. Life is so beautiful and wonderful you forget, sometimes. Communication is a very strange concept, people like to hear themselves. Oh well. Lunch calls to me and I answer but perhaps I will return later. Scratch the last line I will return hopefully sometime soon. | |
Posted 3/9/2004 at 12:24 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment | - Fiction - Information about fiction writing Writing Prompt for 3/3/2004 Describe your first car. Was it a gift? Was it used? Where do you think it is now? First car would have to be my Grandmother's Toyota Corolla. Kind of a pukeup yellowish brown color. It had an allstate insurance sticker on the back bumper. Not a bad little car actually, automatic with one of those yank 'em style emergency brakes. Only had a couple of months and then one of my cousins nabbed it. Starting driving the YOFT after that, a beautiful blue volkswagen bus, now that car truly had some memories but hey this is about first cars not ones down the line. I guess the thing I remember most about that car is hearing how my cousins killed that beast. On some backroad with ice and snow they were doing the old cut the wheel, stomp the brakes, yank the emergency trick. Guess the car had had enough because not only did it spin around more than once or twice it flipped. A bunch of times. Over and over did it go but due to luck and safety belts the boys are still around but the car isn't. Funny how memories get tied in with cars, and smells. Smells are a different thing all together. Memories are a pretty sweet deal... | |
Posted 3/3/2004 at 3:31 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Off to training... haven't done this in awhile. Work sends you off to "training"... three days of learning something new. Sad truth is you could give me a book and three days and it would be the same. Oh well at least class keeps you on track. Must work on self-discipline. Crack that whip... oh to possess self discipline, and will power. Let the war against the gods of procrastinaiton begin... ha ha | |
Posted 2/26/2004 at 10:12 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
It's beautiful outside... sun, warmth, blues skies. Don't you just love the last few minutes of your day. Reminds you of how the bell used to ring at 3:00. Freedom. Oh well, there are cakes that need to be made this evening in class. Excuse me, round nut gateaus, they are still cakes - trust me. | |
Posted 2/17/2004 at 4:08 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Happiness... such a simple word, all those syllables rolling together it just reeks of what it is. Oh to be like Machine Gun Kelly and fill that word full of holes. Just one of those days. Morning started out wrong and work which by it's very nature alone totally blows made the situation far worse. People just shouldn't be happy on a Monday morning. On a brighter side Valentine's day has come and gone, marking the end of the holiday season, well at least for yours truly here. Perhaps the world can now go back to it's usual spitting on each other craziness, sometimes knowing what you are getting instead of what you think you are getting is a whole lot nicer. Man I could go for an Eskimo Pie right now. | |
Posted 2/16/2004 at 3:52 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
One more quick snippet... an interesting conversation last night about William S Burroughs, Steely Dan and Chevy Chase. Must write these odd little points down. Mental note: carry a notebook again... duh. | |
Posted 2/11/2004 at 11:23 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Gateaux... make it beautiful and tasty please. It's a world of cakes baby, sugar, butter and everything nice. Let me make some decent cakes this semester, mastering papercones and piping would be nice too. Oh yeah, the egg is slowly becoming my most endeared friend. Sitting there on the counter, waiting, patiently I must say. So white, so inviting, and then once in hand, that little package is slammed on to the metal tabletop, and with a quick crack and a seperation of yolk and white is transformed into something completely and utterly new. OK it's just the incredible edible egg but still it's pretty neat when you think of how this little thing makes and builds so many wonderful things. Things. My mind is so sluggish of late, can't even express myself very well. Truly the word I is something better left at home. Must avoid that evil pronoun? with some effort and an ounce of perservance. Must persue Flash and the inner workings there in. Back to work... back to the salt mines...
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Posted 2/11/2004 at 11:18 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Funny how things like a blog, journal, whatever call to you. Out of the dark misty darkness like madmen whistling their odd off key tunes. Perhaps I'll play yet once again.
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Posted 2/10/2004 at 10:08 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Valentine's Day slowly approaches but in the big scheme of things does anybody really give a rat's ass or what. What really matters more than any of that is the ice/snow is beginning to melt. Once again the peaceful surfaces of sidewalk and the asphalt bliss of highways and byways present themselves like daffodils in spring. In all honesty I really like Winter, much more say Spring when all the beautiful people shed their clothing but hey what's one person's opinion over anothers. Besides it really sucks making soup in the Summer, oh yeah baking in the winter is a way cool thing; way cool indeedy. People are getting older all around but are any of us getting any more intellegent, smart, whatever. It's all a bunch of fiction. See things and make up stories, invent what ever you want. Write it down, slap it on film and voila instant money, fame, prestige, the gamut of oddities runs amok. Not sure where my mind is today but lately I've had the urge to write things down. So crack open a new bottle, pour another drink and dare to reach out to say hello... hello or perhaps konichiwa even shalom now then is polite. Don't you think so? | |
Posted 2/9/2004 at 2:26 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Borrowed the idea from craftygirl.It makes you want to travel a wee bit more now don't it...
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Posted 2/4/2004 at 4:38 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Scripts and writing or is it the other way around. Perhaps I'm thinking of a career like Dr. Benway and then again... A bunch of us have been contemplating the competition, who knows. We shall see now won't we... | |
Posted 2/4/2004 at 4:18 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Survived the new year, my birthday and a trip to Japan. Must make a mental note to visit this log more often. I've decided to keep a calendar, yet once again. Either my brain is turning to mush or I'm simply doing more stuff and can't keep track of it. It's amazing what a break from work and flying half way around the world does for one's mental status. The planet is once again a place to make beautiful, even though it always has been . | |
Posted 1/15/2004 at 9:41 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Chemical spills... gotta love it when they close off some road to find out later some clown spilled ether of all things. Instantly Curious George came to mind, where was the man in the yellow hat, where? Made for a little light conversation around the virtual bubbler. The weight of my birthday is slowly ebbing, actually the whole coming of age thing never really bothers me. Besides a new pair of boots on the old feet and presto a new man. Crikey, I sound like some women I know | |
Posted 12/23/2003 at 3:30 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Ah the holiday seasons... let's hear it for all December's children, yeah - yeah. Whatever, Dave. In all seriousness though I do love the winter, the screwed up weather, the ice, snow, sleet, odd peaks of warmth and sunshine trying to give you a blip of hope. Driving into work and what comes on the radio... NRBQ's Christmas Wish. Visions of ex-girlfriends and good times swirled through my head and for a second I thought I might cry but then the song pulled me back and off I went. Thinking to myself life is pretty good. | |
Posted 12/18/2003 at 10:57 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Wow... it's been a long time since I've added anything to this thing. You read that quite a bit but alas it's still none the less. Catching up... let's see... in the last couple of weeks what has happened. Broke my tooth, nothing really major but still a crown is a crown and the thing that hurts most on that deal is the old pocketbook. Finally went in for outpatient surgery, "this is ground control...". There is something about anathestics that weirds me out a little bit. It's kind of like time travel but time keeps moving. Guess that's why I don't drink as much as I used to, that and the hangovers last a lot longer. Thanksgiving and the approach of Christmas are both quickly gaining upon us. Obviously one is almost here but still none the less. Truely there are things to be thankful for, family, friends and what not. Life is a beautiful thing... I do need to get a haircut, though :) | |
Posted 11/25/2003 at 4:00 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Got to go home... a roadtrip and a couple of challahs I baked up last night are calling my night. Mental note: write some more here on Monday... dewa mata... | |
Posted 11/7/2003 at 5:13 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Folded origami fish the other night and sent them off to OrigamiUSA. Oh those geeky little hobbies of mine. Still trying to find some time to make roman shades, must make time. Oh if only time were truly like money where you had to spend time to make time that would be great. Time is truly one of those great relative mysteries. Not relative like a family member or cousin but well you know. Life is good... strange but good. I've had to get a crown for a broken tooth and minor surgery next week but hey. Tell people in your life that they are important and make sure they know it. Enjoy things, small things, big things... just do it. Don't worry so much about the world and try to better both yourself and it. I'm waxing and waning... Cocteau Twins would be good now. Sooner or later it comes back to music. If not music, food. Complex... never. KISS, keep it simple silly. | |
Posted 11/7/2003 at 12:08 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Banana chips for you! Banana chips for me! Yep Shonen Knife hit town last night. It's strange going to see bands alone, kind of like going to the movies by yourself. But hey you do what you have to do. Those silly friends of mine, they missed out. Funny how you remember songs, lyrics, etc. even if you haven't listened to things in some time. Still though... a trio of women from Osaka and a cacophony of sound. Music is truly beautiful.
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Posted 10/21/2003 at 11:20 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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What is it about the closenss of some people that makes your skin crawl. Literally. Those funny little bumpies things pop up across your skin and you break out in kind of a cold sweat and the only thought you have is, hey would you please leave. Strange. Maybe I'm just not fully awake yet or whatever but an observation is simply that. Pay attention, notice things, be part of the environment. | |
Posted 9/29/2003 at 8:28 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Where did the time go? Where did my brain go? Why haven't I been out here in so long. Reset mode... ah. It's off to help the high school kids and teach them how to build web pages. Actually this could prove to be one of the more interesting and exciting projects to come our way in a long time. Definitely a move away from the usual show up at work, do your thing and go home day. We shall see, right? All in all, whatever that phrase means, life is good. Classes are going well... the house will be back together after this weekend and hopefully those evil cat scans resolve will show everything ok. Not as evil as some robots but evil none the less. | |
Posted 9/25/2003 at 12:23 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Monday... where did the time go. Time to go, it's off to class this evening. Rumor has it that we're creating pastry swans, or cream puff swans. Little birds made from pate choux and pastry cream. We shall see. After building and working on stupid forms it'll be a nice change. Bikes are good machines... | |
Posted 9/8/2003 at 3:51 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
It's really all about noodles isn't it... fresh made. So simple, with just a little of this and that on them. Shoot have them for Saturday night supper with soup and life gets pretty sweet indeed. Banner day. Riding bikes with the nephew, folks, sister and her girlfriend. Beautiful weather and good company, life can be pretty good. Hopefully I can take this attitude in to work on Monday and kick some ass, yeah. | |
Posted 9/6/2003 at 7:20 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
#69 - #1 Crush 1. What is the earliest crush you can remember having? Who was it? How old were you? And what did you do about it? That would have to be Carlina Carter. If memory serves correctly she gave me a wallet for my bar-mitzvah. I was such a shy naive kid in junior high, still am to a degree but hey. Guess the bar mitzvah thing should clue you in. What did I do? I guess I simply didn't know any better and as time/fate would have it, the years rolled by and there you go. 2. What celebrity did you obsess over as a teenager? How did your tastes change, if at all, during your teenage years? Lynda Carter from Wonder Woman, something about that outfit, right. As I got older I picked up a thing for red haired gals, we all have our quirks. Tastes changed and a liking for girls with guitars took over. Still obsess over Poison Ivy of the Cramps she is simply f i n e, fine. 3. What kind of crushes (i.e., real people vs celebrities) do you have now? Are they fleeting or long-lasting? How? I don't really get crushes on celebrities. Perhaps I enjoy my wife's company too much 4. What would you do now if you were face to face with your #1 crush from childhood or teenage years? Probably say hello and then say, you know I did have the biggest crush on back when. Why not? 5. Who is your #1 crush today? Why? NA... sorry I do adore my spouse. I often ask myself why and then go on with life. There is however something beautiful about her smile and did I mention she's a redhead. Life is funny like that. | |
Posted 9/4/2003 at 4:33 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
It's been one of those unispiring times. It's not that life blows or anything mind you. Simply being a sloth that's all. School is back and session, kids (college kids) are swarming like happy little ants. Looking shy and happy at the same time, ah the education life. Personally I love school, taking classes and learning stuff. Class is always best when there is no pressure of a degree or anything just taking something to be taking it. Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and leave something here to break this slump. If I write down something, anything perhaps. Indeed I say, I'll visit this afternoon. Back to work, and a cup of Irish Breakfast tea. | |
Posted 9/4/2003 at 8:30 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Bicycles are beautiful. It's funny how things from your past creep into things in your present thereby affecting things in your future. Bike riding be one of those things. Around my immediate family it's well known that I didn't learn how to ride a bike until age 11, no bigee but hey. My nephew now age ten approaching eleven but not quite did not know how to ride a bike until today. After going through my dad, mom, sister and numerous other folk my father stumbles upon the brilliant idea of having me teach him. My nephew adores you etc. etc. You can teach him becomes the mantra of my folks. Well through much tears, on the part of my nephew not I he is now up and riding. It only took three days but then what else is vacation for and about. The strange part was it actually ended up being a good time for all. We're practice with him again in two weekends and we shall see. He has school and a last minute summer vacation. Vacation is almost over and then back to school and back to my job. Talk to you on Monday. | |
Posted 8/23/2003 at 1:19 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
August 22, 2003 A post at Big Pink Cookie recently reminded me of a lost childhood possession, and so this week's theme came to be. 1. What was your most cherished possession when you were a child? Why? Whopper Gun by Whammo. I got this crazy thing that worked by propelling air and thereby propelling projectiles. It was a gift after having my tonsils removed. Strange little contraption but loved it none the less. I guess if memories serves me right an obession with Legos comes to mind. 2. What was your most cherished possession when you were a teenager? Why? It's Alive by the Ramones on double LP. It was and still is a beautiful thing. Listen to it and you will know, yes you will. 3. Do you still have these possessions now? Why or why not? Somewhere lurks that Ramones lp even though I now have a bunch of Ramones cds. 4. What is your most cherished possession now? How has the type of this item changed from the kinds of things you cherished when you were younger? Most cherished possession, don't really have one except for my mind. I don't worry about possessions and I don't consider friends and family possesions although they are greatly cherished. 5. Describe your experience(s) with this saying: "One man's trash is another's treasure." Trash is never truly trash if it serves a purpose. In college, May was the month. Kids everywhere moving home, moving to a different apartment, just moving. That mean dumpsters full of stuff that hey was ripe for the taking. So there you go and on a side note nothing beats a trip to the thrift store where as my father so kindly puts it one can get "dead men's clothes". | |
Posted 8/23/2003 at 1:10 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
What a strange and wonderful week. Xanga's been up and down and all around. I went out and played with blogger, that was a fun flashback. Even though the college kids return next week I found it high time to take a vacation. Too much respect for my office mate and just odd timing. Perhaps I'll log on over the break or not if not I'll return in a week or so. Stay cool, a bit odd, and more or less shaken not stirred. | |
Posted 8/15/2003 at 6:12 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Is it really finally the end of the week or is someone going to come in to this office and roust me from slumber? Work really doesn't suck, it's just been a couple of issues and then well everything will be ok again. Perhaps a vacation would help. Sitting beside a big vast lake the water lapping at the shore line. Liquor, most definately an added bonus to this blissful reprieve. Ah that is the answer, a break from the salt mines. What is it about people that you enjoy so much but then some you want to just throttle. Always the destroyer... don't forget the creator. It is always fun wrecking things, ripping down walls, tearing down dead trees/vines. The crashing, the ripping, tearing away... whoa. It is seriously a good time. People should never hurt people -- cheesy sounding but true. I think people shouldn't randomly destroy or shoot for that matter destroy nature. I had a rabbi tell me once there is an angel in every blade of grass. A rather mystical moment in life. Here's this very large, very knowledgable man telling me about angels. Granted this is over twenty years and it still sticks in my head. But basically the jist stuck... don't randomly destroy things just because you can. Moving away from work and on to brighter topics. What is it that makes someone so special and others you just walk by. Beautiful women or men you cross paths with everyday. Do you talk to them, glance at them, engage in lusty dusty fantasies. Personally I've always been a dreamer... where do you come up with that stuff Gellman? Where don't you come up with anything is sometime a rather inappropriate but needed answer for that one. What the meaning of any of this I'm not sure but perhaps will one day. Until then... Mental note: listen to the Flaming Lips -- Yoshimi. Thanks to effervescent_dc for jostling the musical braincells. | |
Posted 8/8/2003 at 5:23 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Weekly Wrap-Up: #66 - Disney Movies #66 - Disney MoviesQuiz results at Brandy's got me thinking about Disney movies. The end result is the theme for this week's Wrap-Up. 1. What was the first Disney movie you remember seeing? How did you like it? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. My parents have told me that Disney flicks freaked me as a kid. The first movie they took me to was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and the whole thing with the kids under the city just blew my mind. Oh well it probably explains the horror film fascination thing. 2. What was your favorite Disney movie as a child? Why? Dumbo or Pinnochio 3. What is your favorite Disney movie now? Why? I always love Snow White, even got the special edition but to be technical Tron must do it. Who wouldn't want to be Tron, speaking for the users. Tron is just too perfect. 4. What Disney character(s) do you most identify with? Why? Dumbo... personal reasons - let's leave it at that. 5. Describe your ideas for the next Disney movie (animated or live-action). Animated - most definately and no CG stuff. Something involving cute little There are still three licks to the center... | |
Posted 8/8/2003 at 9:43 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
If only I was a Giant Robot... | |
Posted 8/6/2003 at 5:01 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Went to the Cardinal's game last night... that have to do it once in a summer St. Louis thing to do. Although the Cards lost the game was a good time. Somehow my Pops managed excellent seats so together with the wife, sister and new girlfriend it was off to the game. If you can ignore the high prices of everything and sneak in a couple of bags of Swedish Fish, life at the game is pretty cool. It doesn't hurt that the seats were free either. Liz Phair played last night. Still have not heard the latest lp of hers. I like her music especially Exile in Guyville their is just something so perfect about that first record, it's almost magical. Anyway, I'm glad the game thing came up and there you go. I think music plays such a part in all our lives, subconsiously or not. A long time ago... not that long ago but still... I'd time everything by albums. With cds it just isn't the same. Something about flipping those pieces of polyvinyl bliss, the hisses, pops, and clicks. I don't miss them getting stuck though. Seriously though you'd get to know that thing and how many songs you could shower, shave and then bolt out the door. Ah sweet youth where did you go? Nowhere my mind says you're body just got a little older. Back to the saltmines... work calls seductively in little drips of madness... | |
Posted 8/6/2003 at 11:58 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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There are a bunch of things I need to write about. My brother going back to LA. The sudden rise of accidents on this particular stretch of highway. Continued construction on this street leading to school. Will they have it done by the first day of class. Doubtful but hey... and what's up with those green shirts. Somewhere lurks a conspiracy I know it, you can feel something wrong when you drive by. Work blows. Not so much the job mind you but just the bs associated with it. Why is it so hard to get people to work with you. Never trust anyone. A friend of mine yesterday told me I told him that once a long time ago. He said you're right about that, it's saved me more than once at my job. | |
Posted 8/5/2003 at 12:25 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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I've become obsessed with the guys fixing the road going to work. Not interested in the men or their repairs but I've developed an odd fascination with their lime green looking t-shirts. Why didn't we lowly workers of MODOT get those shirts years and years ago. Perhaps it's a private group doing all this work and it really has nothing to do with the government at all. Perhaps it's all part of a greater plot that none of us will ever know. Oh well the highways and roads still fascinate me. You would think by now someone would drastically improve the whole transportation thing. Combustion engines blow, right? But then why does everybody and their brother drive one of these infernal contraptions, could there be some Illuminati type connection here or is just one of those big business things that Dave will never understand. Keep dreaming bucky boy. Back to the asphalt ocean... Even though I detest the oil belching monoliths of bad technology you do have to wonder. The things people do in their cars both moving and not moving. It does make you smile a little bit... crusing behind some whatever when the passenger's head disappears and then doesn't reappear for quite stretch. OK it gives me the giggles. Highway hummer action, a good friend of mine calls it. Entertaining all the way around. Flashback of walking down Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis. It's the middle of winter, snowy and cold. The snow is coming down, white everywhere and there is this old GTO slowly moving down the street. Remember it's about midnight or one o'clock in the morning. The guy drives by and buried in his lap is someone in a leather jacket, he just smiles and waves at me. Not knowing what to do I give him a mittened wave and keep trudging on. True story... I have no idea why that topic was bouncing around in my head but hey... it beats work and the usual things associated with it. Sex, just the mere mention of it and your mind drifts into areas that run the gamut from the mundane to the not mundane. | |
Posted 7/29/2003 at 12:54 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Weight Watchers recipe cards, circa 1974 Every once in awhile I get something fun in my email. | |
Posted 7/25/2003 at 2:59 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
1. What song (new or old) do you secretly enjoy, but publicly ridicule? Why? Paula Abdul's Forever Your Girl. I really liked that album for some reason, so poppy and catchy. It just didn't fit with what I listen to, perhaps I thought I was just too cool back then but hey it's still a decent album. 2. Do you carry a purse or tote bag or backpack? If so, what's inside? No, I used to haul around a bookbag but alas now I just carry a lowly wallet in the back right pocket. 3. Describe your dream job. Why did you select this one? There is no such thing as a dream job. Very wealthy and volunteering would be a dream. 4. You are given an opportunity to live anywhere in the world, expense free, but you can never move again. Where do you live? Why? Tokyo, perhaps. The expense free part is the real kicker. It's very different and far away. 5. What do you like about living in your particular city? Would you recommend it to others as a good place to live and work? Why? Not too big and not too small. The summer's are horrible but hey what's a little humidity amongst friends. Lots of inexpensive/free things to do, think museums and such. 6. You have a superpower. What is it? What do you do with it? Do you tell anyone? Turn invisible. Do all sorts of naughty little things. Tell anyone -- hell no. 7. What five people, living or dead, famous or not, do you wish lived on your block? Jesus, Einstein, Buddha, and my grandmothers. | |
Posted 7/25/2003 at 8:46 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Mood: Bored in Class... my officemate is teaching class today. She doesn't like teaching but she's actually pretty good it It's amazing what you can ramble about when you're standing in front of a group of strangers but hey. Still getting used to the idea of a journal and Xanga in general. I know this is going to sound cheesy and all but everyone here has been wonderful and supportive. Strange how writing frees your mind to explore, create and move. Not sure if move is the right word, trying to say how your mind influences the body and reverse. Exercise both of them and your life will become a more beautiful thing. Still dig those wonderfully violent flicks, we could do psychoanalysis there but that we shall leave for another day. We being me and all my other parts. | |
Posted 7/23/2003 at 1:01 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
I've been jotting down details in this black portable notebook/journal thing that my wife bought me awhile back. It's nothing fancy but it's perfect for jotting down notes, every once in awhile that woman surprises me My brother is town, big time interview. He does fine art stuff. So, the other night he asks me to help him with these photos off his camera. We crop them and clean them up just a bit and slap them real quick on to a cd. Just for fun we created a quick photo album in photoshop and uploaded that to Paul's Web I hope my bro gets this job, really. There are so many reasons... talent, skill, knowledge. Basically the kid needs a decent job that will allow him the freedom to still do the things he needs to do. Aint art & music a bitch. Which reminds me, the photo deadline thing for is August 1st, time to get cracking. Scribbled down a bunch of ideas when I was waiting for Madoka to get her oil changed. Madoka is my Subaru, names for cars just come to me and stick. She's a sweety and I take care of her the best I can. We've got another class today, so I'll drop by this afternoon and finish this thought. Already lost one post this morning. I need a cup of a tea... | |
Posted 7/23/2003 at 11:08 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Monday morning... hot, humid and sunny. Summer, not a favorite season but an interesting name to use as a character in a movie or story. I must say that although I do not like the summer season at least I have my health. It's funny how you take things like your consitution for granted. What am I rambling about? Well... my aunt has been in and out of the hospital as of late and the office mate has come down with bronchitis. I'd feel a little more sorry for her if she didn't smoke so much. Personally I really don't care if you blow smoke in your lungs, I did at one point in my life but if you get respitory (sp?) illnesses or have problems with the old lung area, it's not rocket science. On to brighter subjects... a beautiful weekend. Got caught up on sleep and a little time alone. Celebrated the wife's birthday with a party over at the folks. Saw my sister and her new girlfriend. It appears my sister done good this time. Funny how you like people's significant others and sometimes well you don't. Anyway... I've got to go and teach a short course. Don't ask it's over after this week, even though I do kind of dig teaching people stuff. | |
Posted 7/21/2003 at 11:51 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
I'm completely down-to-earth! Find your soul type at | |
Posted 7/17/2003 at 2:09 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Krikey it's already Tuesday, where does the time go? Time is all relative, my tiny brain says and you are off to teach a class. Ah the duties of this office, teaching a couple of two hour classes. The upside of this is that it occurs once a year, for about a week and a half. The other intriguing facet is no afterwards support, coolness. There is more I need to write but I'll fill in the blanks this afternoon. | |
Posted 7/15/2003 at 10:34 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Lifted this survey from what song.. + Reminds you of an ex-lover: + Reminds you of an ex-friend: + Makes you laugh: + Makes you wanna dance: + Reminds you of the one you want: + Reminds you of the one you love: + You wish you wrote: + Makes you want to mosh/bang your head: + You used to hate but now love: + You like to wake up to: + You like out of your parents record collection: + You love that you wouldn't know about if it wasn't for a friend: + Reminds you of your first crush: + Is from your favorite movie: + Makes you think of sex: + Makes you think of being alone: | |
Posted 7/11/2003 at 4:13 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Watching the world a little closer, not sure why but life's oddities always amuse. This morning I'm driving into work, slowly cruising down West drive the first thing I notice is this young female student, backup firmly attached moving across the grass right next to Bugg lake. She's moving with a purpose, there is nothing that will sway this woman from her path, she knows what she has to do. Personally at the moment blissful thoughts of caffeine were going through my head. After this brief glance who comes walking up the sidewalk but a wonderful happy couple, married, perhaps. The woman is on a mission here and the guy in tow does not appear all that happy but he knows deep down in his heart if he does not follow loyally his weekend is fucked. Been there and at that moment I didn't envy him but kicked back and let the sounds of Puffy take me somewhere else. The other oddity of this morning had to be the rain. Got up and going to the kitchen look outside and everything is wet, green and wet. It's amazing how green things get after a shower. Nature, plants, the Earth can truly be a beautiful, awe inspiring thing when you let it. | |
Posted 7/10/2003 at 5:04 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
I found this off of and found it rather interesting. Give it a whirl and see what happens. PressAnyKey - PressAnyKey - Tree Types! Very strong | |
Posted 7/10/2003 at 1:06 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Driving music lately is this two cd set of 70's French soundtrack music, kind of a cross between watching a Lupin III movie and bad porn. Oddly fun to try to though. It's funny how we all drive these cars and how they mean so much to us. Madoka my little Subaru in an odd way is a friend, if I treat her well she treats me well. Yesterday my friend and I do lunch. No big thing usual lunch time break but then he says I have to show you this and pulls out a wrist rocket. You remember those things, right. Think of it as a slingshot for grownups, capable of delivering pain or damage. Oh well it was still fun making rocks fly. Makes you wonder though, what is the purpose of your life and the daily job. I just don't get it sometime. Get your mind out of the gutter... Looks like it's another excursion to over on the "east side". This time around X is coming. The last time I saw X had to be in Lawrence KS back in the mid 80's. I went to see an old friend and ended up shacking up with her friend all weekend. If memory serves correctly I do believe her name was Dana. Life's little stories. Hey we stayed friends, not me Dana but my other friend. Now all these years later, she has a kid and I have a wife and we're all going to see X. Life is truly a wheel. Osaki ni! | |
Posted 7/9/2003 at 5:19 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Exactitudes I have had a number of odd conversations about this very subject. It's almost like being so un whatever that you fit in with all the other so un whatevers. In the end it really doesn't matter that much but it is amusing none the less. Fashion, turn to the left... | |
Posted 7/9/2003 at 3:46 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Click here to take the test! | |
Posted 7/8/2003 at 9:33 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Started carrying around a pocket journal, thought I should start jotting notes and what not. It's strange all the things you notice when you are conscious. Summer is here and in a word it's HOT! Changed parking spaces, not the most exciting event in the world but a new lot brings new adventure. I found myself parking under a Lindenwood tree. My folks have a lindenwood tree in their front yard, slowly dying and rotting away but it's still there, now home to a couple of wood peckers. The fourth has come and gone. Did the Monday after the fourth greetings, you know the how was your holiday, or how was your fourth, not too original mind you but hey. Snuck away with the little woman to go fishing, and as my sister in law said, there are no fish in that lake. Actually I managed to catch a baby bass but tossed it back. Fireworks (?Ô?Î) on Saturday night were beautiful, something about light and explosions. Sunday night got a call from one of the nieces. She broke up with a boyfriend and wanted to go out and eat. It was good seeing my sister in law and niece. We talked about this that and the other. Afterwards my wife thought it would be fun to go by the bubble tea shop. The two found it strange but we had a good time none the less. Relationships are alot of work. Got to get working on | |
Posted 7/8/2003 at 8:54 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Ok so this weekend is the Fourth of July and what have we learned? I don't know what I mean by that phrase it just jumped to the center of my brain. A weeked off and perhaps a moment to relax and catch up with some friends and the whole family. My sister has a new thing going in her life and it show happens this special person shares birthday date with our nation's holiday. Kill two birds with one stone, it's a cheap excuse really for gift giving and getting together. Perhaps we shall all play bridge. Tomorrow I've got the day off, I won't touch a computer for days. Whatever shall I do, perhaps read, take in a movie, eat some noodles. All in all life is pretty good. Forget work and enjoy life. Maybe I'll fold some origami or sew. Who knows it's just nice to spin down. I'll drop in on Monday when my mind isn't mush and I actually have something to write about. A subtle peace to everyone. | |
Posted 7/2/2003 at 5:21 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
WakeUpWriting Cursed project. Someone or better yet I mused to myself something left this slop for me to clean up. It's just some stupid content for a webpage for the love of Pete. Who was Pete, and why did people seem to have the need to bring up this dyslexic fellow. Ideas of sweet revenge and sabotage drifted in my minds as my little fingers played on the keyboard. Sucking up the last of the strawberry milkshake through the blue pipe like straw, the kind that only come from that evil of all places Jack in the crack. I stood up slowly and remarked to myself not bad son, not too bad. The work reflected on my good mood and the fact that deep down inside I was an aspiring tortured waiter trapped inside the body of a computer geek. The whole trick in dreaming up these pieces of drivel is to use ancient tricks. Picture how the ancients mined for salt or better still how to sneak out of work without being caught. My life changed after college, drifing from a beachcomber to the worsted wool wearing moron I had become. Now I built formations of tiny paperclip armies and marched them to their doom. Dreams, those had been eclipsed by the all mighty buck a long time ago. The only thing my acrid mind needed was a smoke and a shot of bourbon. Naturally my thoughts turned to Betty. | |
Posted 7/1/2003 at 4:16 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Crikey it's been a week since I visited this thing. What the hell is wrong with my Maggot Brain, it slips a little more day by day, compacting itself inch by inch. By and by last week blew but hey it's a new month a new day and the water is bubbling for a beautiful cup of tea. It's always nice to know you can blow off a couple of minutes in the name of something. I've got to start scribbling down thoughts and ideas again. For awhile there it was pretty easy always carrying around a baby notebook, jotting ideas and what have you's down. Have to get cracking on that again, it's good for the brain. Strange the good things you can do for yourself, improve your brain, improve your body. Perhaps I will actually push myself to work out at least three times a week, it's been almost a month now and to be honest there is hope. The word pesado -> heavy is written on the small whiteboard coming into my office. It's ok being a big guy I'm just tired of being really big, get the idea. Perservere and keep trying, hard. I'll get it right one of these years. | |
Posted 7/1/2003 at 8:47 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
The New Yorker Ah yes, the New Yorker magazine, funny how things from so long ago in your past reappear. Not like a magic act mind you but someone you know quite suddenly needs a copy of the New Yorker. Such is my case. The person in this case being my mom. It's funny because she needs this publication for a class she is taking. Odd but true, and the class starts next week. The truly weird part is, the bookstore here at work had it. So there I am trying to figure out if it's the correct version, yacking away on the phone, cute cashiers wondering and laughing at my plight all the same. Turns out she probably doesn't need this issue but grab it anyway. I also grabbed a Caramello bar which I probably didn't need but man are they good. Anyway... there is no punch line here or witty repartie but just an odd occurence on a ruther mundane Monday and I am going home... ja na | |
Posted 6/24/2003 at 5:31 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
ghettogloss? | exhibitions My bro makes good with what looks like a pretty cool gallery show. Too bad I don't live in the city of Angels. The whole thing started with the url that couldn't be read at the bottom of the postcard. A quick use of google and voila there you go. The thing that caught my eye was the line, "The idealized film sets of Logan's Run, THX-1138, and the post-apocalyptic wastelands of Omega Man and Zardoz shaped our looks ahead." Those movies are brilliant, each and every one of them. There are hundreds of science fiction films out there predicting the future, what the future is or will be is always being debated. Does the future really matter? All I know is this, my brother has an upcoming show and for that I am very proud. I have to go tell some people. I shall return. BTW I keep meaning to write about Fiddler on the Roof. Not science fiction but still a wonderful story just the same. | |
Posted 6/24/2003 at 12:30 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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OK so Harry Potter is out and the world is still an odd place. A nice weekend, honestly it was. Simple and oddly easy going. Saw old friends Friday night, it's weird watching people go through these life phases, getting married, growing up, having kids. You get the general gist, then again you yourself are doing the same thing. Getting older that is, growing up, well maybe a little bit. Who knows? Kids -- the possibility doesn't look so bad. Went over to my folks house this weekend. My mom is putting together these bags of photographs my me, my brother and my sister. It was weird peeking into that thing. Old pictures of girlfriends somewhat forgotten about but not totally. Strange looking versions of yourself. I'm both looking forward to that pandora's box, I tell you. Got a meeting to go to here in a couple of minutes, will check in later. | |
Posted 6/23/2003 at 9:04 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Life is good sometimes... the weather is kind of cool and the slight bit of rain seems to make everything green and surreal at the same time. Work is that, simply work. Why is that sometimes people just suck... it's fine if you're consistent and all. Meaning that if you suck all the time then that's fine but the up down people of the world need to go. Seriously, please stop sucking the people of the world into your dark depressing world. Should things in your ugly life be that rotten may I reccommend a trip to the local liquor store or the corner pharmacist or the guy that thinks he's a pharmacist Anyway... I don't mean to rant I just wanted to write and get some things off my chest. It should be a wonderful day today. Baked pitas last night, and we're going to the play tonight. Picnic before the show. Everything is suddenly feeling better. Perhaps it's just that time before lunch when the blood sugar is low and thoughts are floating just below the surface of normal pleasantry. It's funny how you drift back to things. Typing away here at the keyboard into a little box, filling space on a chunk of webspace. Weird don't you think. What's the reason... naze? | |
Posted 6/19/2003 at 1:21 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
All Consuming: Book Info: Dead Until Dark Sometimes you hate the web sometimes it's simply the best. What happened the other day with the world may never know. It was reeking (sp?) havoc with my tiny mind and this silly little xanga page. All is well now... | |
Posted 6/17/2003 at 9:38 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Web Page Design for Designers - Editorial June 2003 Beautiful Orion -- Stars really do make the best dot to dots you could ever dream up. Constellations spinning stories spinning new constellations -- does it really matter? The night sky still calls and we still answer. The sky so beautiful, sleek and black with it's pinholes of light shining through. It's simply beautiful. Talking to the night sky never fills you with shame. The stars suck in your dreams and fill your soul with hope. Perhaps... perhaps... perhaps... Dreaming at work is so much more fun than working. Back to the salt mines. | |
Posted 6/16/2003 at 4:28 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Good habits... ha ha... nice try old chum. In all seriousness though even though I did not transport my happy little ass over to the gym I did pull out the old step thing and followed along with the old VHS tape. Thank the stars above my mom is always looking out for me. After sweating away for an hour had a cold glass of water even though beer was sounding good. Missed gym again tonight but I'm going home and going for a very long walk. Hopefully the storms have stopped and the rain will leave well enough alone. I've got to find something interesting here at work or I swear I'll go insane. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy... that will not be me. Got a jet... talk tomorrow. | |
Posted 6/11/2003 at 5:09 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Habits... creating habits, at least the good ones can be a very difficult and pain staking process indeed. Not the staking in the phrase, Mommy, I went out last night and staked a bunch of vampire juvenille deliquent but rather simply pain staking. You get the idea. The whole point is I started up both going to the gym and taking up the evil card game Bridge both in the same week. Either I have Sucker tattooed on my forehead or truly I must be a glutton for punishment. The whole aerobic/anaerobic whatever oxygen boy it still hurts. The climbing of fake stairs, bouncing around in a small room, and smacking little balls against wall is a strange thing indeed. But hey it beats having a chest clutching seizure at the old work desk now doesn't. Bridge on the other is a mind f**k from hell. What sadist came up with that game. Mental gymnastics is not the word for that, training camp for Mensa nazis maybe. In all seriousness though it is kind of entertaining. The power of the community college. Even in these times of budget cuts and everything monetary it's good to know that somehow/someway the colleges and universities manage to perservere. Why is that so many people don't respect the power that education holds. Education holds the answer to so many things. Think... think... think. That's about all I know... I have to enter in my recollection from two weekends ago about the Cramps/Quintron show. There is also the blip about my friend's going away party but that will wait til later. Ja ne... | |
Posted 6/10/2003 at 9:11 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Pie, there shall always be pie... not the mystical number PI but rather that creation of fruit, sugar, butter, flour and other goodness. No wonder there is so much inneundo connected with it. Eating pie, sweet pie with it's juices running down your chin, yeah it's that good... oh well... work is over and I'm out of here... guess I'll return in June. The Cramps are playing and life + bourbon is calling my name. Ja na mi amigos. | |
Posted 5/30/2003 at 5:59 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
The Cramps - 5/31/03 It's odd the Cramps coming to town and all. Not one but two old friends called to discuss the possibilities of seeing these wonders. The Cramps are beautiful to behold and a pleasure for the ears. Maybe it's the production, the sound, the love for what they are doing. It just could be a pure solid bliss thing. No good reason or rhyme it just works. A cornucopia of sex, lust, beat, and who knows what. I guess it's the small things that makes life intriguing. Oh well it's a night to drink bourbon and groove on some noise. Back to work... back to work... | |
Posted 5/29/2003 at 8:36 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
HOPE PROJECT Such a simple thought. A simple idea. Why it almost fills with dare I say in a most cynical tone, HOPE. I wish the world really was this easy. | |
Posted 5/22/2003 at 3:17 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
OK... OK so I'm a bad kid... I thought perhaps I'd make this into one of those oh so good habits, writing and journaling. Kind of like quitting the occasional drink, yeah as if. But back to what I was rambling about. You always read how people write that they are oh so sorry they haven't been writing in the their journals but seriously I think we do feel bad. All grammar aside you feel bad about not writing stuff. What is that anyway? All in all life is good... took the nieces to Chicago. Exposed one of them to the wonderful world of cons. Anime Central, was a good time indeed. Kind of weird, being sober the entire time but a good time none the less. It's strange how the older you get the less things bug you and the more things but you all at the same time. The other thing I noted was the youth of the world lives in a headphone state of mind. Oh yeah... I am not nor will I ever be a Poster Child for Halatosis. So there you are... I'm still at work but it's not Monday it's just a lowly hump day kind of day but the weather is beautiful and my attitude is good. Perhaps if I dare will return again tommorow. Who knows maybe tomorrow I'll really be in the mood to scribble some thoughts. ciao | |
Posted 5/21/2003 at 4:50 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
AznFilms Ok so I ordered a bunch of flicks... I don't why but it's always a good time watching movies. It's even better at cult movie night. Cold beer, creepy movies, life can be such a simple thing, then the lights come up and reality slips in. Oh well... the weekend is here... licorice and animation calls... ja... | |
Posted 5/9/2003 at 6:10 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Mystery girl cooks slowly Ancients ones stir again Spring so sweetly calls | |
Posted 5/2/2003 at 4:08 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
House Of Leaves I borrowed this book from Jennifer in Baking class, haven't started it yet but found a bunch of mp3s relating to it. Must start this one soon right now I'm reading Battle Royale. Started reading it because I saw the movie and wanted a more indepth peek into the lives of these people. Little did I know it would creep me and give me a couple of tasty little nightmares.
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Posted 5/2/2003 at 1:22 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
BloodHag Flipping through the River Front Times today and what should assault my eyes and perhaps cerebellum but this article about BloodHag a metal band that sings songs about SF authors and what not, throws books at the audience and plays at the local library. Might just have to take a peek, always loved reading Phillip K Dick and what not. Entertaining idea to say the least. Oh well, back to work. | |
Posted 5/1/2003 at 2:43 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Marvel HeroClix by WizKids Trying to find something for my nephew thoughts turn to Harry Potter, cartoons, and who knows what else. It then occurs to me why not the hero clix stuff. A little bit of this and a little bit of that, I'm becoming Zero Mostel. Oh well, there's worse crimes in the world than being funny. Back to the game, a combination of Marvel Comics, a little minature gaming and voila there you have it. Who knows it might just work. We'll find out this weekend. | |
Posted 4/29/2003 at 3:44 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
ReadyMade Entertaining magazine... I don't know why but that Typeface this morning reminds me on the old Tandy leather stuff. Remember making wallets and stamping on odd pieces of leather making those silly designs. Perhaps if you were the young sophisticate you'd do the three strips, braid them, make them into a belt thing. Who knows maybe you were never into leather even though it is pretty cool. | |
Posted 4/28/2003 at 10:28 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Been listening to chickpop! no not the music style the internet radio station. Did a search on shibuya-kei and hey there you go, it's good background stuff to listen to over the fan constantly buzzing outside my window. Rain has settled in once again, it's weird though the weather is warm and you can hear the plantlife sucking the stuff into their very souls. Really, it's true. Weird but true nonethe less. Oh well the week is done and I'm feeling played. I think next week I try to do some flash fiction exercises, I'm slowly getting over the I've got to do this and that thing and I'm actually doing the this and that. That all said... later... | |
Posted 4/25/2003 at 3:48 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Shuffling the time a way at work... spent it doing a bunch of homework for baking. Can't wait 'til the summer arrives and it's break time. It's weird being a student again, not that I am in any way shape or form the same person I was all those years ago but the idea of a summer vacation even if you are still going to a full-time job is looking mighty tasty. Practicum and test next week. Then another test and practicum... clean the place up and hey voila we are out of there. The future this summer looks good. There is the Origami convention up in New York and who knows what not. Anime Central is coming up in May. Pretty sweet really. It's weird to think how many years that has been going on. This year I'm dragging my niece and her friend along. Figure it this way, they'll go and explore and I'll go and have my fun. Damn it's hard being an uncle, oh well it's making someone's life a bit more fun Off to the gym for this boy... | |
Posted 4/23/2003 at 5:16 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Earth Day Network Went out to this morning and yes the picture had changed. Clicking on it brought up the Earth Day Network page. Interesting... I'd fogetten Earth Day, not that I had forgotten the Earth, the environment or giving a hoot but such a simple day. A good friend always talks about starting a garden here at the university, who knows maybe we'll both be inspired to actually start one and no the bio students won't experiment on it... tee hee... | |
Posted 4/22/2003 at 10:47 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Monday morning... drink more tea... wake up... go to meetings... drink tea... wake up. I hate Monday mornings... i hate most mornings... oh well what's one to do? Drink tea... wake up... go to meetings. | |
Posted 4/14/2003 at 10:44 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
I somehow ended up at papercranes xanga's site... It's easy to forget that other people share the same interest as you. Hopefully making those cranes will work peace in the world. I find myself folding cranes and leaving them behind in odd places hoping some will find one and it brings them peace who knows... Anyway here's an easy piece of origami... | |
Posted 4/9/2003 at 11:50 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Old junk. Not in the sense of William Burroughs mind you but things you find lying around. Little slips of paper. Found this junk in the drawer before clocking out... Characters: Raven Gloria Brian Brain Fly Flea Maggot BMX Runners Ideas of syringes, typewriters, and lots of fluid. Left over Titles Department of the... Criminally Insane Lost Souls Blistering Welts & Oozing Wounds Brass Instruments & Deadly Horns Rare Fungi & Hallucingenic Mushrooms Quivering Palms & Chattery Teeth Time and other Non-existent Dimensions Immoral Ineptetude Superstition Black Cats & Vampire Bats Nightmare Teachers & Spook Things Forgotten Beginning... Cold. So cold. So very bitter cold. Cold that works it's very ways into your bones. Cold that pours it's way into tiny crevices and cracks. Filling space, filling time. Stares into the screen, come on join me, the Ice Princess tells him. She is so beautiful. Eyes appearing to be made of molten poured liquid clear blue. It's as if her eyes are pouring like liquid over everything. The princess stands tall her dress moving out from around her feet, the tiara on her head sparkling it's magic. Freezing everything in her path, the princess begins to focus on the young man observing her. He wonders where this comic book princess comes from. Why are you here on my computer screen? His memories begin to leave as he reaches out to turn off the infernal machine. | |
Posted 4/8/2003 at 4:44 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Ah yes... the Bebop Movie... What a wonderful show. What a great turnout. The older you get the more the world amazes you. Back to the movie though, what a flick. The animation, the color, the sound. Hey it even has a decent plot. I forgot the bit about the butterflies... just see it. | |
Posted 4/7/2003 at 8:41 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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I was at vampire kitty's xanga site and saw she had done this free eneagram thing. Interesting I thought I remember my mom getting into that, and her telling me that I was a 9 and so on... tried the test and voila perhaps I am a nine, who knows?
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Posted 4/4/2003 at 5:38 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Lunchtime... so simple and yet so complicated for some folk. Is it really that hard... go and eat. Sushi, tea and noodles, one of those simple goodness things. Why is that the simple things are never really that simple. Recipes with less than five ingredients sometimes turn into a royal pain. Royal pain, royal jelly, I still don't want to meet the queen. Inspiration comes for many at the bottom of a bottle. I don't know if the bottle has ever inspired this soul to do anything but it definitely works well with social skills and not graces. Some people have a knack meeting others, splurging the intimate secrets here and there - nilly willy like. I really just don't get it. Friends are there to share things with, sure. But friendships are built on experiences and through those experiences things come out. Why is there that need to talk and talk and talk as though some of us like to hear the endless chatter of ourselves, yammering away. In a way it's no different than rambling in writing but someone else is forced to listen you whine on and on, ad infinitum. Back to lunch... noodles it shall be. | |
Posted 4/4/2003 at 12:15 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Nodwick Dot Com saw a brief mention of this in Games magazine and stumbled across it in the ongoing search for better games. | |
Posted 4/2/2003 at 2:27 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
From the website: Write six ways to describe the smell of fallen leaves... The crunching of the leaves brings back long forgotten memories. The smell of the woods before the winter, dark and damp. Not musty like a cellar but clean and yet mysterious as though things were dying and being reborn at the same time. The leaves splitting along their veins letting out the last sweet trickle of life. It's funny but you think of leaves in terms of colors and sound, so rare the sense of smell. Leaves piled together seem to always carry the smell of decay and rot. The leaves losing their color to the dark stench of nothingness. Falling leaves is both beautiful and sad. Perhaps if they were say cheerie blossoms, sakura, then the scent would be overwhelming and captivating. The midwest country side with it's huge oaks. The leaves ready to fall and leak tanic acid into the soil. Waiting to decompose and make the quiet creatures content once again. Nature is a many splendid thing. | |
Posted 4/1/2003 at 5:10 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Ramble, and pound on the keys... yack to yourself and speak to noone. Just make yourself accomplish-do something, anything. "I have no mouth, yet I must scream", don't go out that easy my man. Went to a peace rally today. I'm not sure I get this war thing, not really. There is just too much and too little and everyone is working on swaying you one way to another. I know this, I support the troops no matter what, it would just be a much better thing if they could come home. How hard is it to work on a solution to a problem. People give up too easy in my humble opinion. I think we all just give up too easy and settle for an easy solution or one that entails violence and stupidity. Peace, remember that guy from the movie Wizards. Still I wish the world would wake up and pursue the beautiful things instead of always destroying itself. One day, who knows, maybe I do dream a little too much. I'm rambling about this and nothing all at the same time. Opinions are good, thinking things out is good. Working things out is also good. Today, tommorow and later I'm going to work on being good to myself and those I know. The world a better place or a worse one? I think making the world a better place is a much more noble cause. | |
Posted 3/30/2003 at 9:20 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Another Monday, sitting at the desk pondering all sorts of useless oddities hoping to stumble across something meanwhile faking this thing called work so I can gather a paycheck at the end of the month. Not bad if you really think about. Good weekend no complaints really. Snuck out of work and caught the early show of Dream Catcher. I never really care for Stephen King movies... like his books at least his early ones. Got together with the Anime kids, got everyone pschyed about the Cowboy Bebop movie,, April 4th, don't you know. Sunday spend flying kites and drinking beer. Nothing better than blue skies and the golden nectar of the gods. Oh yeah there is that one thing about a girl named Heather, without a shirt on running through a field... I've got to come back to reality. | |
Posted 3/24/2003 at 9:03 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
This was an old entry from Dec 12, 2002. I started running a log at and didn't care too much for it. Alas I thought it appropriate to move that entry over here. "First Entry New Digs" | |
Posted 3/21/2003 at 9:09 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Posted 3/19/2003 at 4:50 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
OK... so I didn't drop by and log some time in this log like thing. The week was too short and time was not spent that well but time away was just what this lad needed. It's funny how so many people need to go and be amongst the masses and how there are those myself included that need time alone to recharge. The world slowly sucking away our energy reserves until all that remains is a burnt shell of a being standing, waving at who will ever wave back. Rhythm and beat is what keeps us moving... time slowly ticks on. Actually it's the standard of time that moves forward not really time itself. I'm still not convinced that time is a linear thing at all. In the big scheme of things I think that time in all it's beauty loops back on itself folding itself over and over again like a mobius strip gone mad inside a goldfish bowl. | |
Posted 3/18/2003 at 11:03 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Another day... another Monday. Day one of a week away from work. It's kind of nice being away from the rat race, if indeed you can call it that. A nice day of not doing much. Not much to say or add. Just wanted to work a little on this journal habit. It takes a lot to create a habit but once you do it sticks. Habits don't always have to be evil you know | |
Posted 3/10/2003 at 7:48 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
I'm not currently reading Romeo and Juliet so much as I'm exploring it to find a line about a thumb. It all has to do with a particular gentleman in my baking class who keeps remarking, "do you bite your thumb at me sir". A quote after all is a quote and I must burn that match down to the base.
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Posted 3/7/2003 at 1:38 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Guerrilla Girls: Fighting Discrimination with Facts, Humor and Fake Fur | |
Posted 3/7/2003 at 9:08 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
OK so I'm finally getting used to this logging in leaving an entry idea. There is the Guerilla Girls thing on campus tonight. Strange to think back to the eighties and seeing their stuff around NY. I wondered vaguely who they were but I was more into music then and it was just a passing curiousity. Funny how time, taste and life itself will change a person. | |
Posted 3/7/2003 at 9:04 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
What fairy tale archetype are you? | |
Posted 3/6/2003 at 11:32 AM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
Started going to the 1970s Cinema of Neglect movies over at Fontbonne University. Picked up this little gem partially of the Tarentino label, mainly of the title and the plot. Great cult movie with everything you could want.
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Posted 3/5/2003 at 5:21 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment | Books: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
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Posted 3/5/2003 at 5:17 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
There are times when you set things up and have no idea what they will look like. This is one of those times. So I will enter some worthless information here and see what happens. I shall then leave this place of employment and head home. | |
Posted 3/5/2003 at 5:03 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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Here's a sample entry to show you some of the basics Adding New Entries - to add a new entry to your site, just click the "New Weblog Entry" link above (it's right under the "search all xanga" bar). When you click the link, your little xTools Editor window will pop up. Just type your entry into the xTools window and click "Submit" to add it to your site. Editing Your Entries - to make edits, click the little "edit it" link at the bottom of your entry. (Note: if you don't see this link, it means you're not signed into your Xanga site. When you sign into your site, you should see this link after each of your entries.) When you click the link, your little xTools Editor window will pop up showing your current entry. Make any edits you want in that window and then click "submit" to publish the edited entry to your site. Public vs. Private Entries - this entry is currently private, which means only you can see it. You can make each of your entries "public" (for anyone to read) or "private" (for your eyes only) when you first write them or anytime you "edit" them. You can also flip this setting back and forth by clicking the little "Public/Private Entry" link at the bottom of each entry. Adding Links and Images - to add links and images to your entries, just click the little "Add Link" or "Add Image" links inside your xTools Editor window. The specific steps that happen next depend upon the type of browser and computer you're using (click here see a detailed description), but they should be pretty easy to follow no matter what you're using Some Editing Tricks - if you're using an Internet Explorer browser, you can use standard keyboard shortcuts when writing or editing your entries (e.g. Ctrl-b for bold, Ctrl-i for italics, Ctrl-u for underline). You can also use standard keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste: ctrl-c to cut and ctrl-v to paste. (Sorry, Netscape and some other browsers may not support these features, yet.) More Things to Try - there are lots of great ways to use and customize your weblog. Visit our Getting Started section for more ideas. Good luck and have fun with your weblog! P.S. Don't forget to install your xTools Browser Button; it takes only a few seconds to install, it lets you publish anytime, from anywhere on the Web... and it's free! | |
Posted 3/5/2003 at 4:58 PM - email it Give eProps or Post a Comment |
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