Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Another day, well another day

Pretty simple... not one of those do the math or add it up kind of things. More a less the simple plan, no duh thing. Can you be more obvious, shall we paint the world black and post neon signs shining your way. Why is the world so predictable and yet not. Do we enjoy the company of those not programable. The world is a drama princess ready to hatch and spew it's unearthly badness everywhere. Not really but still. Life just isn't that filled with all the bad cherry filled chocolates some of them are actually pretty good and you don't have to shove your finger in something to prove it.

Vent oh brother vent... step back and breathe. Circles, actually ovals the air moving in the air moving out. What happens to all of that air filled with tiny particles you can almost feel your heart melt. Sweetness in smiles, tenderness in your eyes, like some bad country song that has no mercy and promises nothing but lies. Oh well I need to move on right, seperate the wheat from the whatever it is that it gets seperated from, bless the routine.

Bless the routine and all that comes through. Bless mindless numbing jobs. Dont' even begin thinking about those around you. Watch the letters dance and transfrom into words. The words forming thoughts that someday will become a story and if they don't well then so be it. Is ten minutes a day really so bad. The keys clicking, the radio softly playing in the background. It's not a real radio though it's just the computer spewing digital noise at me. There are days I miss records, radios and fun. My world does not revolve around people and yet it does. People don't make a person that person makes him/herself and the people around that soul work to define that person until something gives or not.

Strange how weather, mood and the moods of others effect you. Try to ignore it and it will bite you in the ass everytime. Tommorow always holds promise though, right. Still employed and still chugging along. Fill out the forms and dream of a brighter tommorow. Tommorow will be here just like another glass of tea or morning cup of coffee. You betcha.

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