Monday, March 07, 2005

Scribbling at the Auto Dealer

lj-mood: amused

Took Madoka in for one of those tuneup/oil change things and scribbled down a bunch of things. So, in no particular order here's some of those notes.

Subaru = spin magazine
Jandek PC106
Arial Pink's Hunted Graffiti Sound dock for the Ipod or

Things to do today include taking care of Madoka. Studying for test and work related fun. Fun includes the Pagedale Kids and possibly tai chi. Look to the future, Tai Chi day is approaching, something like April 30th. Why can you end a sentance witha verb but not a preposition? Is that a question or a statement. Who created the English major, that is the age old question but still, who? Are they better than you or I? Are they? With that piece of sheepskin and reputed IQ of 132. Are their IQ points increased with each piece of classic lit they read. Does libido swell and rise with a glance of some forgotten pillow book until their fascinations spill over into this newly created more vivid world.

Does this scribbling/writing improve anything or am I humoring myslef. Women & men, men & women. Tabs & slots, lined up in a bad illustration just waiting to click. Genetic makeups, codeds staring up to a predispotion of bliss. Ample chests that wink and smile. It's really not all that complicated now is it. Fill out the alcholol to air equation and see who wins.

"his days are numbered", the intellegence agent speaks, contimplating his own tribe.

Finances to the third power.

Ah, so. Charlie Chan's revenge, the phrase form our childhoods that pops up breathing like the frito badito or the Chiquita banana. So correct now isn't it. The world that is or is it just this country. So little has changed and yet so much has all the same.

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