Wednesday, May 18, 2005

It's hasn't been a rough week but still a long and tedious one none the less. Health seems to be the topic lately. People in and out of the office. Persons here at work checking into hospitals and just of feeling of either you are healthy or not. Trying to get out more and walk walk walk. Get that weight down and stay healthy. Actually went to the doctor's and for that I proudly patted my back. Man, going to the dentist, doctor, or whatever can be such a drag. Not that it's a bad experience, more of a slightly embarrassing kind of thing, humbling so to speak. Funny how a person goes through cycles, concentrating on this or that. Look for the good is this week's idiotic goal, seek things out and just flat out ignore the things you can't stand. I really don't have too much to say I'm just killing time until this evening's happy hour. Ugh, people and schmoozing. Smile and say hello, the world isn't after you or your paranoid mind. No one is going to grind up the old brain and put it in a robot. Really, some sleep would be nice.

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