Wednesday, June 29, 2005

ICON FILM DISTRIBUTION - Movies, Videos and DVDs - Australia and New Zealand

ICON FILM DISTRIBUTION - Movies, Videos and DVDs - Australia and New Zealand Part of the St. Louis Jewish Film Festival. A very sweet movie and touching. As the phrase paints it, a feel good movie. There's enough here to enjoy and enough for conversation after the movie. Not really all that deep but it does make cricket a bit appealing. The ska references were interesting as well as the peace sign button being tied to the Nuclear Disarmament movement. I remember looking that up a long time ago and reading how you take the semaphore flags for the letters N and D and that's how you come up with that symbol. Interesting but perhaps true, as usual there are probably other ideas on this but that's the one that sticks in my head. There's one other movie we are going to see in the festival, will write about that later.

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