Friday, April 08, 2005

5 minute exercise

The leaves made soft, rustling sounds. Funny how you miss certain things, smells, feeling, sounds. I remember her strolling up the driveway, a bag of something in her hands. She'd push her way through the leaves that I left all over the driveway. Laughing in the fall sun she'd swish her hair back and call my name. Driving me crazy and missing her all the same. Do memories ever fade like old Polaroids in a box slowly slipping into darkness. With sleep comes memory and emotion, so I don't sleep much anymore, just little stops here and there. I've made new friends, guys with last names like Beam, Walker, and Daniels. Funny how coffee, cigarettes and bourbon makes life a little better. The movies don't lie, people do. I can't believe that, not anymore.

Special effects are simply that, effect. A word like special is reserved for someone or some thing. Emotion both sweet and sorrow sum up special. Bliss and rapture swirling with sweat. Oh, yes I missed her all right.

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