Friday, February 11, 2005

Roadside Observations

lj-mood: calm

The man with the briefcase and the incredibly changing stoplight. Why does he hang out at the old run down gas station. Is he waiting for the bus? The police car hangs out at the station, is there a conection. The clothes, the hair, what looks in the briefcase. Questions without answers or does it matter to begin with, isn't that the way it always starts. The jealous husband/wife pursuing something that doesn't exist only later to find out it really truly does. The classic line that paranoia is nothing more than a heightened sense of awareness rings true sometimes. Exactly when does a conspiracy stop being just that. Fact is something we all agree on, right. If there are three people standing around and they can't agree on whether or not something is red yet a specterscope says it is, does that really make it red. Poor Roy G Biv hanging out minding his own business while people banter and complain about whether or not something is periwinkle blue. Let the music play that's all that matters in the end.

Liquid is definitely more exciting than solid matter. What beauty liquid holds as it flows and moves, accelerating and deaccelarting. Watch as it pools in wells and puddles. Creating streams of conscious and yet still I wonder. Liquids based on water, metals and other nastiness. All is not beautiful in nature though it may appear so. Mercury for example, is strikingly interesting and alluring yet deadly all the same. The games metals play is a cruel one. Is a metal all that precious, does it matter. Give me the money is the phrase that goes along with that.

Economics my dear. Make something scarce, make sure folks want it and voila instant cash. Then again there are those that keep making meth out on their farms so we'll have to revisit the wants and demands things later. Games are much fun then taking in something you've made from cold medicines. Look what I made Mom. Yeah whatever start the cooking Sid. Wonders of chemical bliss. Dreams are just as sweet, just look for heather and she'll be there for you. Dressed in angora and licking her lips. Tasty.

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