Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Squint and the world disappears rather it melds into itty bitty bits. Pieces that are slightly blurred, fused together. Lupin and Jigen turn into red and black blobs. The bookcase folds until it is nothing but a silver rectangle with slabs of color. Not a title or paper to be read but chunks of color waiting to be loved. Posters drip into the carpet and the easel with notes becomes a fuzzy thing not meant for eyes or processing. Funny how the world can be perceived in so many ways. Like people really when you think about them. Can you really get that pissed off by someone's stupidity, sure temporarily but still. Step back, think for just a moment, squint and watch that incident fade into the dust. The scary thing is how far to take this but hey that's an issue to be revisited. Is there time really for anything or are we all just a giant abstract construct waiting to fold over and over into some pattern that has no end. The square becomes beauty and in that second something is transformed. It isn't a matter of cartoon physics or chemical imbalance it's simply is.

The idea of art, creativeness, bliss, happiness etc. is so subjective. Make it objective you say, give it numbers and rationalization. Make it flow like the monkey to the sea. Drip drip drip. Time is an evil thing, there isn't a really good time to add things here so I try to type in something before the day ends. I've got my books and a cool article on washing hands, off to sanitation class for this boy. Fun with microbes, viruses and other yucky things. Food is tasty sure but it can also be very very bad. A wickeder misstress you will never land, well you could but that would be way bad. Anyways, off to class and hopefully an enjoyable evening. Got to make the doughnuts, I never liked Dunkin Doughnuts that much. Something about that glazing that never sat well with my soul. Too much imagination, perhaps.

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