Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Writing Exercise 2 - 10 Minutes

Tuesdays that feel like Mondays blending into the future to become part of the past. What is time really. Linear. I don't think so, truly it's not some science fiction tale of a chrononaut blasting away through the universe. Rather time probably loops back and forth falling across itself. How water like but simple. Isn't it odd that fire and water are so similar and yet so different. The way both rush either up or down that hill. Both seem to amass more of themselves as time goes by. Fire fueling itself building, growing, roaring until it engulfs everything. Water rises up and gains momentum crashing down upon everything in it's path. Strange that creatures don't exist in fire the way water is. Fire seems to destroy things then out of ashes a Phoenix rises. Plants always pop out of ash covered ground. Beauty seems to abound after a fire, a strange calm embraces a land. Water is quite the opposite. A sickening nasty mess seems to be left. Everything helter skelter. Where does the energy come from to run these two things. Where indeed.

Is nature a beauty or merely a force of odds not to be reckoned with. You'll never win when it comes to battling Mother Nature, just ask Parkay. Blow me I say butter is truly a more blissful situation. A nice piece of toast with just the right amount of butter is pure heaven. Little brown, oh so crunchy, you know before you even bite down that you are going to enjoy this small ride. Sure it's no e ticket full blown raging hard on, sweat dripping moment. But still, in that moment it sure is bliss. Mental note, bake some bread tonight.

Bread like all good things is simple. A little flour a little water, throw in some yeast and voila there you go. A little salt and oil doesn't hurt but hey in the end it still doesn't matter you will still have bread. Snap crackle pop give me the crusty stuff. Oh well the ten minutes has gone back to homework and the grind. What will the saltmines deliver who knows. I must continue with these exercises, perhaps they will evolve into something new but for now they get me thinking. The world waits outside but time is up for now.

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